Wednesday, December 12, 2007

RANSOM By Lois Duncan

Ransom is about 5 kids on a school bus. When they got on the bus their original bus driver was not there. They had a strange substitute driver for the bus that did not know where the bus stops were. The substitute driver was a kidnapper!! Then the kidnapper forced the kids into a car and took them to a far away place in a cabin with two people to watch them. It was horrible. When the kids were bad they would lock them up in the freezer! My favorite part of the book was when the parents where reading the newspaper and found out that the original bus driver was found dead in a bush by two kids. Do you think the parents will get enough money to save their kids? Do you think they can survive until their parents get the money? Do you think they can get away? Read the book Ransom to find the answers.


lilcokebear said...

I am a teacher's assistant in the resource room at one of our local High Schools here in Pocatello Idaho. We have 2 basic English classes and we have been reading the book Ransom. The kids have really enjoyed reading it and studying vocabulary words and doing chapter questions. We are currently on Chapter 11....its getting good! They are excited to find out what happens! The book is very climactic, adventurous and mysterious all at the same time. We've really enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

This book is something I have to read for my book club and I have to say I'm very anxious to read this book! It seems like a good plot. Plus, I have loved every book that I've read by Lois Duncan! I'm sure this will be a book I'll want to read again and again!