Friday, October 26, 2007

Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul by Jack Canfield

For SSR I am reading a book called Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul. This book is not like any other book I have read but I am kind of enjoying that! Instead of having one story for the entire book, it has many short stories written by various adults about what has happened to them as kids between the ages of nine and thirteen and by sharing their experiences they hope to help others. With its age-appropriate themes and stories, preteens can easily relate to the information or it can also help anyone of any age that needs an uplifting take on life. My favorite story so far is about a girl named Beverley and how once she got home her mom and dad had to tell her that her friends had been in a car accident and her best friend didn’t survive. At the end of this short story Beverley finally realizes how to deal with her problems and still have a good life. “Julie may be dead, but her spirit is quite alive.” This is just a hint about what readers can look forward to reading when opening this book!

by: Kate

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