Friday, January 18, 2008

Dealing with Dragons By: Patricia C. Wrede

Cimorene is a princess, not a normal one. She takes fencing lessons and does every thing a prince should do. When her parents come to know of this they look for a prince Cimorene can marry. When they take her to prince Therandil, she runs away then next day and becomes one of the most powerful dragon’s princess. The dragon’s name is Kazul. She becomes friends with a jinn, witch, and another dragon’s princess. She also meets a wizard and finds out that they are going to poison the dragon king and help another dragon become king. The dragon who wants to become king has promised the wizards a very important treasure. To find out what happens to the king of dragons and to Kazul and Cimorene read Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede.
- Shikha

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