Monday, December 17, 2007

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE by Annette Curtis Klause

Blood and Chocolate is about a girl named Vivian. She is in college, but is no ordinary school girl. She is actually a werewolf. Her father died in a fire a year ago, so now all she has is her unforgiving Mother. Then, she falls in love with a human, “meat-boy”, as her pack call humans. My favorite part is the Ordeal. During the Ordeal, all males turn into werewolves and fight to see who gets to be pack leader. Then, the women fight to see who gets to marry the male. When they fight, whoever sheds blood is out. Sadly, someone got ripped up to bits and died. Another got his neck broken. Who is going to win? Will Vivian win and have to marry the male? Or is she going to marry the man of her dreams?

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