Friday, December 14, 2007

DOUBLE FUDGE by Judy Blume

The Hatchers are like any other family living in New York. They have an 11-year-old son named Peter, a baby girl named Tootsie, and a money crazed 6-year-old son named Fudge. The day Fudge found out about money he loved it, so his family (without Tootsie) went to the U.S. Mint. When the Hatchers get to the end of their tour of the Mint they meet their long lost cousins. These two families have almost nothing in common but are going to live in the Hatcher’s small apartment in New York together. Will these two families be able to stand each other? Read this book to find out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Steven,
Loved the book blog. I may have a problem with money too. Fudge sounds like a very interesting(?) character. Maybe i"ll check out the book.

- Rachel