Friday, December 14, 2007

Trouble Don’t Last By Shelly Pearlson

How would you feel if you were a runaway slave? Samuel is a young slave working on the Hackler plantation. He is taken care of an old man named Harrison because his mother was sold off when he was a baby. One night, Harrison comes into his room to tell him there going to run away. On their way to Canada, they are taken in by many different people. Their last stop is a shipyard on the shores of Lake Eire. He, Harrison, and another slave they met along the way, try to sneak aboard a ship going to Canada. They are stopped by a worker. When the worker asks them for their “free papers”, they have to figure out a way to get on the ship. This was my favorite part of the book because it was the most suspenseful. Read Trouble Don’t Last to find out if Samuel and Harrison make it safely to Canada.
By Tim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

This sounds like a great book! I'll definatly going to read it.
